Team Leader View™ (TLV™) is a simple, cost effective online diagnostic tool and a key to know yourself better as a leader.
By looking at the strengths and weaknesses of your team you can measure the impact of your leadership and let it inform you about your own strengths and weaknesses.
TLV™ – mirror back!
The assessment tool offers you some step stones to how you can develop your own leadership by looking at a picture of your teams shared performance.
It gives you an opportunity to assess your team in two dimensions. Partly in relation to aspects necessary to be highly productive. Partly in relation to aspects necessary to create a thriving, engaged and high-performing culture.
The model defines 7 characteristics in both dimensions:
7 productivity factors:
- Accountability, resources, alignment, decision making, proactivity and goals & strategies
7 positivity factors:
- Communication, trust, respect, values diversity, camaraderie, constructive interaction and optimism
Out of the 14 factors TLV™ creates a strengths profile. At the same time it also shows the need for improvement.
If you think your team lack accountability it is likely you need working on that aspect of your leadership. If you experience your team is having trouble cooperating it is probably something in your own way of leading that is a part of the problem.
TLV™ doesn’t give the answer, but it creates a great starting point for an insightful and constructive coaching conversation.
The test is on-line based and made by Team Coaching International. It is a part of a toolbox together with Team Diagnostic™, Team 360™ and Organizational View™. Different tools that use the same terminology while showing different views when you want to develop leadership teams, working teams or maybe the whole organization.